Men’s Monday Night




Our Monday night men’s tennis group begins 2011 with strong participation, as during the last two years we have had over 100 different players participate.  While the format remains essentially the same (see below) some changes have been made that have made Monday Night Tennis much more player friendly.  The main change results in an almost “certainty” that ALL players showing up will be able to play in the doubles format.  If there is an uneven number of players to make a doubles match, our tennis pro Jason will give a one hour “lesson” to 1 or 2 players or fill in if there are 3 players.


The cost is $30 for the two month session.  There are monetary awards for most points attained during the session and usually a free beer the last Monday night of the league.  If you are looking to play, just show up before 7:00 p.m. each Monday night, give your name to Jason, and you are all set.  If you are going to be a few minutes late, please call the tennis desk and let them know, because if you show up late without calling you will not have a spot.


Monday Night Format: