2008 USPTA Junior Circuit

Texas Playoff Photos

More photos to follow.

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Back row:  Cameron Wood, Jonathan Pekar, Truman Alley, Jackie Simpson, Jacob Rose, Joe Snailum, Randy Mattingley
Middle row: Cameron Crim, David Kelley, Jean Oyardo, Gabby McDowell, Madison Maddux, Dani McKissick, Blair Dragg
Front row: Yara Aboshady, Allie McKissick, Zack Barrett, Drew Chamberlain, Zack Scataglia, Haley Morgan, Abagail Csengery, Alex Pekar

Joe Snailum is the president of the USPTA Texas Division

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Kingwood wins 2nd in the Karaoke Contest

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Kingwood Team photo

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Randy Mattingley, Ron Woods, Mills, Joey Molina, David Davis, Joe Snailum Barry Mills